Our 2025 Community Grants Program will open in the fall of 2024.
Overview of Community Grants Program:
Eligible grant recipients include tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organizations, as well as organizations operating under the fiscal sponsorship of a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, that serve the independent cities of Staunton and Waynesboro, and the counties of Augusta, Highland and Nelson. We do not issue grants to individuals, fraternal organizations, or sectarian organizations.
While the Community Foundation does not have specific funding priorities for its Community Grants program, we do favor organizations and programs that:
- Address identified community needs and/or opportunities, and
- Are well-conceived with a realistic schedule of activities and thoughtful use of resources.
The Foundation does not provide grants for deficit reduction or endowments.
If you have any questions concerning our Community Grants Program, please contact Lora Hamp at lhamp@cfcbr.org or (540) 213-2150. Additionally, Lora welcomes the opportunity to visit nonprofit organizations. Please feel free to contact her to schedule a time to meet.
Sponsorship Requests: If you are seeking support for a short-term event (duration of up to one week), you do not need to complete the Community Grant application. Simply submit your request in writing, at any time, to Dan Layman, President/CEO at dlayman@cfcbr.org or P.O. Box 815, Staunton, VA 24402-0815. At this time, the Foundation’s practice is to avoid providing sponsorship support for the same organization in two consecutive years.
2025 Community Grants Program Timeline:
Fall of 2024 – Grant Application Opens
Mid-Winter of 2025 – Grant Application Deadline
Early May of 2025 – Award Notifications to Nonprofits
Early of June, 2025 – Community Grant Awards Ceremony
We remain extremely grateful to the generous community members who make our work possible.4