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The A. Gordon Houff Memorial Scholarship was established by family and friends as a memorial to Mr. Houff’s life. Mr. Houff was a beloved member of the Stuarts Draft community and especially Stuarts Draft High School. He was a bus driver for Stuarts Draft athletics, both male and female, and was at times referred to as the biggest fan of SDHS athletics. Mr. Houff was a devoted family man, an active elder in his church and a former U.S. Marine.


The A. Gordon Houff Memorial Scholarship was established for outstanding senior athletes attending Stuarts Draft High School.


  • An eligible student must be a graduating senior at Stuarts Draft High School.
  • An eligible student shall be a student athlete in good standing having earned a minimum of one varsity letter.
  • An eligible student must have a G.P.A. of at least 2.7 on a 4.0 scale.
  • An eligible student must have attended SDHS a minimum of five semesters.
  • An eligible student must be a candidate for high school graduation at the end of the current academic year and plan to enroll at an accredited two-year or four-year college or university in the Continental United States the following academic year.

Selection Criteria Used by the Selection Committee

  • Student athlete in good standing, having earned a minimum of one varsity letter
  • GPA of at least 2.7 on a 4.0 scale
  • The candidate will be selected by the Stuarts Draft High School scholarship selection committee for recommendation to the Community Foundation, in accordance with the Community Foundation’s Conflict of Interest Policy.

2024 Award Amount
