Give Today
Let us help you achieve your charitable goals. We simplify the process of charitable giving, helping you make meaningful, well-informed, and lasting gifts to the causes that matter most to you.
If you wish to offer an unrestricted contribution to support our work in the community, donate as the final step in the process of creating a new fund, or donate to an existing charitable fund, you may use one of the following donation options:
Credit Cards
Use our secure online contribution page to authorize a one-time or recurring contribution.
Please make your check payable to the Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge (P.O. Box 815, Staunton, VA 24402-0815). Please include your instructions, if any, for how we are to use your contribution.
Publicly-Traded Securities
Authorize your broker or trust officer to initiate a transfer of securities to the Community Foundation’s brokerage account. Contact us for our account information.
Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Assets
If you are age 70-1/2 or older and own a traditional IRA, you may authorize charitable contributions up to $100,000 annually directly from your IRA. These distributions count toward the satisfaction of your required minimum distribution (RMD). Although you cannot claim a charitable tax deduction for this form of contribution, you will have the advantage of excluding these IRA distributions from your taxable income.
Real Estate
Please contact us for instructions.
Other Non-Cash Assets
We also accept many gifts of tangible personal items (aka Gifts-in-Kind), such as works of art, that we can either liquidate or use for charitable purposes. Please contact us to discuss the appropriateness of contributing certain non-cash assets and the process for offering this form of contribution.